I'm pleased to post this feature by French arts magazine, Pratique des Arts, in advance of my upcoming solo exhibition in Paris, which will be titled 'Atmospheric Abstraction' - or 'Abstraction Atmospherique'.
The article and accompanying images are included in full below.
Scott Naismith - Abstractions atmospheriques
Scott's ethereal depictions of the Scottish landscape are built on themes of optimism and hope. He refers to his paintings as 'atmospheric abstractions' which are influenced by particle physics. They question the very construction and binding of particles, blurring the lines between solid, liquid and gas.

Consonant Sky | 50 x 65cm | Oil on canvas

Rum, Skye & Raasay | 100 x 150cm | Oil on canvas
My artistic approach
"To encourage others to look at the world differently. This is what I see as the primary purpose of an artist. When I look to the skies of Scotland I see it in precisely the same way as my prehistoric ancestors. What new perceptions can I offer? Nothing... there is nothing new, it has all been conceived of before. However as an artist I can realise these perceptions and ideas visually in a refined craft in order to portray a unique vision."

Highland Dynamics | 50 x 70cm | Oil on canvas
Between representation and abstraction
"Occupying the space between representation and abstraction for a semi-abstract painter can be a tricky balance. I see abstraction as a process of simplification and embellishment. The more of this explored, the further from the literal subject you get. How much should be spoon fed to the viewer and how much should be conceptual?
What I like about abstract landscape painting, or as I like to refer to my paintings as “atmospheric abstraction”, is that the subject is instantly recognisable and familiar. There is therefore more scope for embellishment of shape and colour.
I like to play with the perception of depth in three dimensions while the viewer is reminded of the 2 dimensional space of the painting surface. Paradoxically it will be the more three dimensional, thicker applications of paint representing the 2 dimensional design elements."

Uist Light | 50 x 50cm | Oil on Canvas