Underlying Potential III by Scott Naismith

‘Underlying Potential III’ | 50 x 50cm original painting

Scott NaismithAvailable, Available Paintings MEDIUM, medium, painting 1 Comment

'Underlying Potential III'

50 x 50cm oil & spray paint on linen

Original contemporary Scottish abstract landscape painting


Price includes frame
Framed size approx 61 x 61cm
Contact me for purchase enquiry
'Underlying Potential III' by Scott Naismith

Comments 1

  1. Hi! How are you?? Wandering the price of this beauty. It is an original painting, isn’t? We live in Catalan Pyrinees and this Scottish lanscape totally matches with our surroundings even with our dinning room as it is (dark green furniture). Also if the final price includes delivery (to Camprodon, our village). Thanks a lot

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